Psoriasis is a chronic and recurring skin condition. The main symptoms include red, inflamed patches on different parts of your body that may be itchy or sore. Psoriasis is not contagious but can result in anxiety and depression if left untreated.
The turmeric root is a member of the ginger family and has been used as both a spice and medicinal herb for centuries. Turmerones are its therapeutic compounds which give it this bright yellow color when extracted from an Indian curry dish or added to food items like rice noodles.
Turmeric has been used as an effective treatment for psoriasis for ages now. Let’s see some of the effects of turmeric on psoriasis:
- Turmeric is an antioxidant and can aid in healing psoriasis. It increases the production of cytokines, which may help to reduce skin inflammation.
- Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of curcumin. It inhibits COX enzymes which are responsible for skin inflammation and pain in psoriatic patients.
- Curcuminoids help regulate cytokines, chemokines, cellular adhesion molecules that can trigger or aggravate psoriasis symptoms. They play an essential role in regulating immune system responses; their actions help modulate inflammatory disorders like psoriasis by controlling immune cells activity in affected areas. Curcumin may also inhibit neutrophil infiltration in skin lesions caused by plaque psoriasis.
- Turmeric may help with the itching and burning of psoriatic plaques. It has anti-inflammatory properties that relieve itchiness or pain.
- The curcumin within turmeric helps enhance immunity which is essential to fight off infections. So, you will be less likely to develop a secondary infection while suffering from psoriasis symptoms.
- Curcuminoids found within the spice increase intestinal activity, thus increasing the absorption of nutrients into the body. This is important for psoriasis patients as they have nutrient deficiencies from the disease. Curcuminoids are antioxidant compounds that work together with vitamin C and manganese ions. These block superoxide radicals which can cause damage to skin cells.
- Turmeric can help relieve anxiety. It contains linalool that helps relieve stress by calming your nervous system down, making you feel calmer.
How to use turmeric for psoriasis?
You can incorporate turmeric into your meals, make it into tea, or drink it as an extract by mixing it in water/milk/etc. The most common way experts recommend using turmeric is making a turmeric tonic with milk and honey. Honey has antimicrobial properties which may help relieve psoriasis symptoms. You can also add your healthy ingredients to make it tastier such as cinnamon, ginger, etc.
How effective is homeopathic treatment for psoriasis?
Homeopathic treatment for psoriasis is effective because it works with your body’s natural ability to heal itself. It stimulates the production of antibodies used by white blood cells to help fight infections. It doesn’t cause any additional stress on the immune system. Homeopathic psoriasis treatment won’t trigger an allergic reaction or make you more sensitive than necessary to the sun or other allergens.
Homeopathic psoriasis treatment does not contain any harsh chemicals that could trigger an unwanted reaction in your body. People who suffer from autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis cannot fight off infections. Homeopathic remedies work by restoring the body’s ability to function normally.
Always consult a registered homeopath before trying any other treatments or medications to see a noticeable difference. Visit your nearest skin clinic today!